Mechanical garden gate closers
Although there aren’t many different principles applied in garden gate closers, the differences between individual gate closers are not to be underestimated. Generally, one of three modes of operation is used. In this article, we tell you about...
How do I make my home swimming pool safe?
The warm season is ideal for spending more time in the gardens. If you have a home pool or if you plan to install a pool, do no forget the security aspect. In this article we give you an overview of the different possibilities you have to secure...
Protect your dog from running away with these simple and practical methods!
Your dog is your best friend, bringing you a lot of happiness every day. However, sometimes their adventurous instinct drives them to cross the boundaries of your home. Runaways can be a source of stress and worries for you. In fact, your furry...
Frequently asked questions
In this section you will find all the relevant FAQ’s asked by our customers.
The GTS 180/170 on Test
The GTS 180/170 was tested by the German Institute Prüfengel.
How to prepare your dog-friendly road trip
Summer vacation is approaching, and for many of us, it's the perfect time to travel with our four-legged family members.
More safety for pedestrian children
Every day, children face numerous dangers on the road, and each year, far too many of them become victims of traffic accidents as pedestrians. Whether they're going to school or playing outdoors, their safety should be a priority for all. As parents...